
You are in control

With our person centric approach we help you explore different housing options. If we are building you a new home we listen to your needs and explore what is possible with our Smarter Living for Life® philosophy.

Illowra do not 'partner' with support providers. As a resident in an Illowra home you have choice and control over who provides your support. We collaborate with the support provider of your choosing to ensure you have a home you love with the supports you want.


We understand there is a wide range of different housing needs and we provide a range of solutions for our new build housing projects. Each modern customised dwelling has all the practical features you need, in a home you’ll love to live in. We believe that the design of a building should not limit your opportunity to live independently, that every home should be accessible to everyone regardless of age or ability. Incorporating simple but smart design elements from the beginning improves accessibility and enhances independence.

We are passionate about great outcomes and have consciously developed a person-centred approach. We involve individuals in the design of their new home to meet their specific needs.

toy wood house frame on house plans
whellchair heading for stairs

Property maintenance and modifications

Illowra Living provides SDA property management and is a registered and certified NDIS SDA Provider.

We work closely with everyone involved including participants, families, NDIA, support coordinators and support providers to ensure your home is well looked after.

To log a maintenance request please click the button for the request form.

Maintenance Request Form

For EMERGENCY REPAIRS call our 24 hour support line 1300 455 697 (1300 illowra)

To request a home modification please click the button for the request form.

Home Modification Request Form


We welcome feedback to improve our service to you.

You can contact us via any of the following methods: 1300 455 697 (1300 illowra)

Client Feedback Form

Illowra take incidents very seriously.  If an incident occurs please advise Illowra on 1300 455 697 (1300 illowra) and then complete an Incident Report Form on the link below.

Incident Report Form